Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Life's about to change.....

Hi All!
 Well I think I have somewhat gotten the hang of this whole "blogging thing". Much more freeing then facebook. Im liking this. And I think I know how to add photos now. YAY!

 In exactly 7 days -  my life will change dramatically. For the first time in my married life (minus the first 10 months of our marriage) I will not have children home with me to care for during the days! The best word to describe how Im feeling is "BITTERSWEET".  Im excited about the new found freedoms I will be able to enjoy  (a gym routine, the house will stay clean all day, I will have time to plan & prepare nice meals for my family every night, I will be able to shop without a dozen bathroom breaks (lol), I can spend more time doing my photography(yay!), I will finally get to be the mom that can volunteer to help with the class party, or go on the field trip!, I will have the complete ABILITY to read a book & actually finish it!...WOW!!, etc., etc., etc.)
 But with this comes the bitter.... I will not have any little ones to cuddle with, snuggle with, talk to or play with throughout my days. This means the days of having my babies, caring for babies, toddlers, & young children are over. I will miss Gabe (my little buddy) going with me to the stores & talking to me all day long. This is the part that makes me very sad. What a mix of emotions a mother goes through at this stage of life!  But I have to just continue to focus on the positives. I am very excited for Gabe as he starts Kindergarten next week, I am excited for Em as she starts Middle school! And I am anxious to hear how 2nd & 4th grade are for Kate & Morg this year too.
  I am VERY blessed to have a wonderful husband that loves me & appreciates all I do.  Brian & I had a wonderful talk the other night, during which he told me that he doesnt want me to work outside the home! What a blessing because I have such a desire to be a stay home mom! He doesnt want me to be getting home from a job, be stressed & tired & for the kids to be getting home at the same time &  needing help with homework & for me to be trying to make dinner & for the housework to fall behind. What an awesome man I have that he appreciates all I do. I am very blessed. And he works so hard so that he can provide for us. Thank you Lord for my wonderful husband.

 Well, I dont have any new picutres this week... I know next week I will!!!! So for today I will add just a random picture.
Have a beautiful Tuesday!!!!

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