Saturday, August 6, 2011

1st time

 Ok, so this is my first time blogging. Hope Im doing everything right?? I wanted a way to keep in touch with close friends & family that was more personal then facebook. My "plan" is to update once a week....we'll see if this REALLY happens??? lol.

So...let's see~ what's new with us? We are winding down from summer break & gearing up for Back to School time! We have exactly 17 days til the new school year starts up! For me it's SO bittersweet. This is the first year that ALL my babies will go to school! Im looking forward to the new found freedom that will accompany this & Im very excited for the kids (especially Gabe who is THRILLED to go to Kindergarten!) but I am also SO sad. It means that the time in my life when my kids are little & home with me during the days is over. That's hard to swallow. I really do look forward to every stage my children enters though.

 This year Emily is entering middle school/or as we used to call it Jr. High! YIKES! How did this happen. When your children are little everyone always tells you "Enjoy it, it flies by" & you think... "ya I know, Ive always heard that" BUT ITS SO TRUE!!!! She is going into 6th grade - entering the world of switching classes, wanting to look stylish, makeup (eventually), extra-curricular activities, lockers & boys! Oh my. If Brian didnt shave his head bald, Im sure he'd be turning grey right now with worry! LOL!!!

Kate is going into 4th grade & Morgan is beginning 2nd grade. And like I mentioned already my little buddy is starting Kindergarten!!! He is SO excited! I know he will love it. He is such a smart little boy! He loves to learn.

As for me, I am still booking photo shoots & taking photography jobs. And I look forward to more time to just be able to go exploring during the days when the kids are in school, alone & take pictures of nature & towns & such. I keep being asked the million dollar question, when I tell people that all 4 kids will now be in school..... " oh my, what are you gonna do with yourself??" Everytime I hear those words it makes me more & more confused. I dont know. I dont know if Im supposed to just pursue my photography, or if I should get a part time job (The Lord knows we could use the extra money). ?????? I will just keep praying about it & we will see where HE leads. Meanwhile Im holding out hope & praying for Brian to be offered a store manager position in the month of September, so that I do not HAVE to get a job. I would love to have the freedom & ability to do what I want with photography, go to the gym & work out everyday, volunteer at the kids' schools, keep the house clean every day & make amazing meals for my family! We will see????

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